Black Immigrants in the United States:
Resources for continued learning
A Demographic Profile of Black Caribbean Immigrants in the United States Migration Policy Institue
New Streams: Black African Migration to the United States Migration Policy Institue
Immigration and Blackness: What’s Race Got to Do With It? American Bar Association
We Can’t Talk About Immigration Without Acknowledging Black Immigrants Yes!
State of Black Immigrants Black Alliance for Just Immigration
The Impact of Racism on U.S. Immigration Past and Present Network Advocates
Racism and the US Immigration System Immigrant Legal Center
Clothing World for Needy People (CWNP) is a non-profit organization founded in the state of Nebraska, and its headquarter is located in the city of Omaha. CWNP aims at gathering clothes from various donor sources including households, charities, businesses of all sizes and individuals to help clothe poor and the needy people: displaced persons, people living in remote areas, refugee camps, and the most affected villages by war. Clothing World for the Needy People was founded by a former refugee on July 2013, shortly on the occasion of his return to Africa. The war had displaced thousands of South Sudanese people to East African countries, and around the globe. After the war erupted, civilians fled their homes, their livelihood was destroyed. With the continuing unrest in the region today, the number of people in need of clothing is growing daily. CWNP volunteers are motivated to collect clothing donations and deliver them to people in needs. They are committed and dedicated to raise global awareness about this population of people in desperate need of clothing. CWNP’s mission is to gather and distribute clothing to refugees, displaced persons, and others who are in severe need of clothing.
Learn more and donate at:
International Council for Refugees and Immigrants
International Council for Refugees and Immigrants delivers immediate philanthropic support to equip vulnerable, undeserved and marginalized refugees and immigrant’s populations by providing client centered services and advocacy. International Council for Refugees and Immigrants is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit organization. We exist to serve and improve the lives of refugees and immigrants. We are registered in Nebraska. ICRI itself does not adhere to a particular political party or religious ideology.
Learn more and donate at:
Nebraska and Southwest Iowa’s largest nonprofit immigration legal services provider
We are unique in our ability to meet the ever-changing needs of immigrant communities because of our people, our partners, and the promise we make to every person we serve.