Make a difference

Over 800 children have been reunited with their family in Nebraska since Ocober 2020.

Legal representation makes the difference between whether an unaccompanied child is allowed to remain safely in the United States or is deported and separated from family. 


Help us ensure every child appearing before the Omaha Immigration Court has high-quality legal representation by giving on or before #GivingTuesday on November 30, 2021. 

Give Today

At Immigrant Legal Center, we never charge a fee for our services. You can help us keep it that way by giving on or before Giving Tuesday, November 30, 2021. Your gift will make a difference for immigrant children in need in Nebraska and southwest Iowa.

share you care on giving Tuesday

Help spread the word of the life-saving immigration legal services Immigrant Legal Center provides and encourage others to give by downloading our “I Gave” photo and sharing on Facebook and Twitter @IMMIGRANTLC1 and Instagram @IMMIGRANTLEGAL.



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